This blog started as a photo-a-day blog in 2006, October 2009 it become an official WHAT-NOT blog and/or random thoughts from a Filmmaker blog.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Ray Bradbury RIP

I am not a Sci-Fi guy but a college lecture from Ray Bradbury in 1988 changed my life. The hour I listened to Ray live was amazing and shaped my film career and I did not decide to study film till 1989, well come to think of it, maybe it was Ray Bradbury that gave me the courage to study film. Here are a few quotes from the day: "See, what I want from you is to live hysterically at the top of your lungs. And anyone that gets in your way, you shout them down and shove them out of the way." "Everything you do has to be out of love. Nothing must be out of money. Money is the reward for doing beautiful work. But you can't think about that. You can't think about the market place for any sort of idea. You just look at a thing and say, 'I must do this. I can't help it. I cannot resist doing this.'" "This is your challenge, to find a work that is so exhilarating and so full of life. A work that allows you to give back to the world without you even realizing how hard you are working..." I have read his famous fiction but my favorite book by him was a book about writing called, "Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity" happy thursday

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