This blog started as a photo-a-day blog in 2006, October 2009 it become an official WHAT-NOT blog and/or random thoughts from a Filmmaker blog.
Monday, April 30, 2012
I'm on a Boat
Took the day off yesterday. Wondering through the fields by my house I found the vintage toy boat, reminds me of one of the greatest SNL shorts of all time, right up there with the president of Iran with Andy Samberg and Fred Armisen. Noelle, my wife, is big fan of SNL and loves crude boy humor. I am excited for a fresh Monday, like a blank canvas- this week a behind the scenes shoot for a fashion shoot and lots of editing, I have a editor from LA coming to town to cut with me for a week, he is one of the best editors I have ever worked with, I call him a YOUNG-NEW SCHOOL FAST filmmaker.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Seve Vs. Evan
I like to do funky side projects and art projects from time to time. Here is a clip from a brilliantly titled work in progress called, "YOU CAN BE MY PHILOSOPHER, IF I CAN RIDE YOUR DINOSAUR" about the band Seve vs. Evan. Severin Bozung is funky cool kid and one of the famous Bozung Boys that grew up down the street from me in Southern California. This is just a clip from a show, when it is finished it will be a freestyle documentary that was shot my 6 or 7 filmmakers in a 24 hour period. (oops I just checked, I have blogged this clip before, oh well haha!) Have a Good Weekend!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Mind Body Spirit
A lot of cutting and shooting to do. I am loving my work these days. Sometimes it is easy to get off balance, too much work or too much play??? I find that I am a happier human and a better filmmaker when I get some play time / exercise time in. Dutch Hollow mountain bike trails in Midway, Utah, my favorite and the Heber Adult Swimming Club- legendary. Had a brilliant swim with this cat, a 2 time Olympian xc-ski 92 France, 94 Norway. He beat me on a 1000 yard swim and I beat him on a 500 yard swim, Nice! Happy Thursday
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Thousands of Photos
I spent way too much of my day backing up and getting photos off my laptop and phone. Check out this little treat I found, Sam Rockwell on his Battle Stag during the filming of Jared Hess' movie Gentlemen Broncos.
Happy Wednesday
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Win a Canon 5D Marklll at Pictureline
Take 1 minute and maybe win a new camera.
Sign up here.
A short plug for Pictureline, since I have been shooting the Canon 5D for all my documentary work I have been shopping for my equipment locally. Pictureline is great store run by great people. Happy Tuesday.
A short plug for Pictureline, since I have been shooting the Canon 5D for all my documentary work I have been shopping for my equipment locally. Pictureline is great store run by great people. Happy Tuesday.
Monday, April 23, 2012
The Color Run - So Cal
This weekend I filmed another Color Run, it was too fun. I was in the home land of So. Cal. If you want to have super happy fun time sign up for THE COLOR RUN when it comes to a city near you. Look for the video I worked on to be out in about a week. Thanks Jay and Travis and our great crew.
Happy Monday
Friday, April 20, 2012
Hillman Curtis RIP
Rest in Peace Hillman Curtis. Hillman just passed away after a tough battle with cancer. I have read both of his books and love his short online nonfiction film work. Life is short, do what you love, be sure to love those around you (I am only preaching to myself right now). I love how he talks about re-inventing yourself in this video. Hillman you will be missed, God Bless.
Eyeline in Documentary Interviews
The world of filmmaking is always changing and so am I. I use to be all about the people being interviewed looking at a director off camera that was not behind a camera but next it at camera level, like the super awesome and traditional Ken Burns. (Check out this scene grab from his show Jazz--love this show, by the way)
But now I am all about the interviewee looking down the barrel of the lens. I tell them to connect with the lens and me behind the camera and the audience is there too. There are pros and cons to both ways but this is the way I am doing it since I discovered the magic of the Canon 5D. I feel so much more connected to the filmmaking process and can adjust to subtle things with composition, frame size, focus and most importantly emotion in the scene. Most of my interviews are done handheld these days too, it is an alive floating camera, with a human behind it. Also there are less people on set and a lot of the time it only me on "set." I use to be all about the human face to face thing and now I kind of like the idea that the interviewee has a little space and that everything they say is not filtered through my face, if that makes sense. I have been doing it this way for about a year and I love it. Here are a few scene grabs of interviews with my new style, both from the "Turning Point" about the Circus Project.
Here is what they have to look at, that is not too intimidating and it is 2012, most people have seen a camera before.
I could go on, but gotta run, heading to LA for a quick weekend shoot.
Happy Friday
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Deus ex Machina/Temple of Enthusiasm

While traveling in Australia I bumped into Deus ex Machina, I love their sense of style, their way of thinking-there is just a lot of cool stuff going on here. Their Vimeo profile says "Custom motorcycles, fixed gear bicycles, surfboards, clothing, art, music, food" that says a lot but I like coasting on my bike haha! They have tons of cool stuff online in their Australia, Bali and US places.
(*****I had nothing to do with any of this, I just think it is cool stuff*****)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The Documentary Blog

The Documentary Blog is a cool site and a great resource for nonfiction filmmakers. I really like watching the trailers like this one for "Beauty is Embarrassing" a documentary on artist Wayne White.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Running with Lisa 5K Fun Run
I made the video with the neighborhood kids Sunday afternoon.
Please think about coming to Midway next week to support a family that dealing with Cancer.
Sign up HERE at
God Bless and Happy Monday!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
John Cleese on Creativity
A great speech about creativity by John Cleese of Monty Python's Flying Circus. A link for my old friend Jon Armstrong. This worth a listen for anybody in the arts or business or just anyone.

Friday, April 13, 2012
Inspiration Week- Day #5 The Turning Pointers

This week I am editing like crazy, so I will keep the blogging short.
I am going to post about filmmakers, artists and people that inspire me.

Over the last year I have done some of the most meaningful work of my life. I have worked with some big hearted people that have inspired me and have changed my world view. Thank you all for sharing your stories and thank you Sam, Greg and Marty at Comic for the great projects, and thanks to the crew that I have been able to work with Rich and Ty. I am very passionate about this documentary thing and this Turning Point show has been so good for my mind and heart.
Check out episode number 1 below, I had nothing to do with these 2 stories but they are powerful and set the mood for the entire series. OH YEAH I must add that Greg Kiefer's documentary directing and camera work on this series has been super inspirational to me and helped me a ton to fine tune my own documentary style. Greg directed the 2 stories below.
Scroll down to see embedded versions of the "Turning Point" shows that I directed.
Have a good WEEKEND!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Inspiration Week- Day #4 Devin Graham

This week I am editing like crazy, so I will keep the blogging short.
I am going to post about filmmakers, artists and people that inspire me.

Devin Graham
Job title: You Tube filmmaker (enough said)
It's a whole new world out there and this kid is making it happen, you have probably seen his stuff before, if not Google Devin Super Tramp.
Photo: Tom Lefler left and Devin right
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Inspiration Week- Day #3 My Sister LES and Paul Alusa

This week I am editing like crazy, so I will keep the blogging short.
I am going to post about filmmakers, artists and people that inspire me.

My nephew, Paul Alusa, had a bad stroke a few years ago and is still recovering. His speech was really messed up by the stroke, so he is spending a lot time relearning to speak. My sister Les started taking him to art class once a week and in the process fell in love with art, now my sister is hog wild about art and paints all the time. So today I am inspired my Les' new found passion and Paul 's continued battle with speech and his desire to recover from his brain injury.
ABOVE PHOTO: my sister's artwork from the last few months.
BELOW VIDEO: a movie about Paul working with artist Fidalis Buehler.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Inspiration Week- Day #2 The Selby

This week I am editing like crazy, so I will keep the blogging short.
I am going to post about filmmakers, artists and people that inspire me.
THE SELBY aka photographer Todd Selby

(Photo by The Selby of Casey and Van Neistat's couch)
I love that fact that this photographer made a place for himself by doing an online photo project about people's studios and houses, how he has published a book and does ad campaigns and special projects for companies like Nike, Dockers, Louis Vuitton and others and he has a regular deal with the the New York Times Magazine called The Edible Selby. He has starting to make movies too, his short nonfiction films are beautiful. Check this one out about Tom Sachs.
Check out The Selby online here.
Monday, April 09, 2012
Inspiration Week- Day #1 CASEY NEISTAT

This week I am editing like crazy, so I will keep the blogging short.
I am going to post about filmmakers, artists and people that inspire me.
Inspiration #1 CASEY NEISTAT
I love this guys filmmaking, his style and his funky world view. Check out his latest movie, I think it is brilliant and in spirit it reminds me of Ross McElwee’s Sherman’s he got the money and now he will do what ever the crap he wants, haha!
Check out his web site HERE.
Sunday, April 08, 2012
TEDx Talks "The Circus Project"
Jenn of the Circus Project just forwarded me this link to her TED talk in Portland, Legendary! She played a big section of the "Turning Point" we did about her. Way to go Jenn! I am so proud to know you and love you sister!
I keep repeating myself but these "Turning Point" TV segments are some of the best stuff I have ever worked on.
Thank you Cosmic Pictures, byutv, and Jenn Cohen for trusting us with your story.
I was director/director of photography on the Circus Project episode of the documentary series "Turning Point."
Life is good, Peace.
Friday, April 06, 2012
Ron the Artist
Have a Good Weekend
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Kids Art

So I am working on this documentary about artists, dancers, musicians and the like, and I am hanging out with the artists talking about kids art. I said grade school art is probably more interesting than high school art. Someone talked about an artist that had to hide his kids artwork in his studio because people visiting his studio were more drawn to the kids' art rather than to his art. Anyway I get home and my kid has this amazing kangaroo haha! Brilliant!
The Talking Fly (dot com)

Look up the talking fly dot com and it should bring you right back here. I was on a shoot and I told the people I was invisible (we goofy documentary people always say that, like it is possible even with a small documentary crew --haha!) then I told them I might ask a question here or there and if I do I guess I am a "Talking Fly" they all laughed and thought it was funny and if gave me an idea, "The Talking Fly" not sure what I am going to do with it but now I own the site.
Speaking of flies, this still is from this video, a 30 second promo for Fuel TV made with real junk archival film, an ice pick, tons of tape and real dead flies.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
A Day with Bob Burnquist
I shot this quick and dirty video a few years ago in Australia. It was a great trip with a week in New Zealand and a week in Australia. Bob Burnquist is one of my favorite skaters so it was cool to film him. I call him a brazilian hippy with a rubber man style if that makes sense. Anyway, enjoy! and thanks for the gig tim and oakley. Happy Wednesday
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
4th Annual Bicycle Art Show, Salt Lake Ctiy

My good friend Brent, the owner of Salt Lake City Bicycle Company, is getting ready for the 4th Annual Bicycle Art Show, just so you know. It is fun to roll around Salt Lake City on bikes and look at art, also you may want to send him some of your bike related artwork.

A few years ago I had some photos of Lance Armstrong in the show.
This video was in the show a few years ago and it is one of my favorite art/bike videos of all time, this thing is brilliant.
Happy Tuesday
Monday, April 02, 2012

Twitter, not sure what to say about twitter.
I read an article about Steve Martin that made me what to try it and follow a few folks.
I was also quite intrigued by Lange Armstrong's Twitter.
Producer RIch Patch talked me into it, Thanks Rich.
For me it is a place to post random photos.
I check out Steve Martin's Twitter.
I also like to check out what Casey Neistat is doing through Twitter.
You can check out my Twitter here.
Photo: I posted on Twitter this snapshot of the first professional documentary I worked on as a student.
We were at the Salt Flats with a New York film crew for a week doing a documentary on Art Arfons and his car the Green Monster.
Happy Monday.
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Blog Archive
- I'm on a Boat
- Seve Vs. Evan
- Mind Body Spirit
- Thousands of Photos
- Win a Canon 5D Marklll at Pictureline
- The Color Run - So Cal
- Hillman Curtis RIP
- Eyeline in Documentary Interviews
- Deus ex Machina/Temple of Enthusiasm
- The Documentary Blog
- Quote of the Day, Tom Sachs
- Running with Lisa 5K Fun Run
- John Cleese on Creativity
- Inspiration Week- Day #5 The Turning Pointers
- Inspiration Week- Day #4 Devin Graham
- Inspiration Week- Day #3 My Sister LES and Paul Alusa
- Inspiration Week- Day #2 The Selby
- Inspiration Week- Day #1 CASEY NEISTAT
- TEDx Talks "The Circus Project"
- Ron the Artist
- Have a Good Weekend
- Kids Art
- The Talking Fly (dot com)
- A Day with Bob Burnquist
- 4th Annual Bicycle Art Show, Salt Lake Ctiy