This blog started as a photo-a-day blog in 2006, October 2009 it become an official WHAT-NOT blog and/or random thoughts from a Filmmaker blog.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Irish Men's Sheds -watch it here

Here is the documentary about the Irish Men's Sheds that I directed this summer. I am super happy with how it turned out. I love how "Turning Point" celebrates these awesome big hearted people. Big thanks to the crew- Ty Arnold, Rich and Randi Patch, the producers at Cosmic, the Lewis brothers and the whole postproduction team... Thank you all. John ends the show with a quote that he liked, I just goggled it and found it was a Wayne Dyer quote...
And finally a huge thanks to John Evoy and the Irish Men that made ups feel at home in Ireland. Thank you. This TV show has changed my life. In the spirit of Thanksgiving month I say again THANK YOU, THANK YOU all.

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